Write: career and whatnots

Post grad always mean one thing - thinking about your career. And I know people say things like take your time and stuff like that, but the economy does not give you that privilege. So you know, I'm still struggling trying to find out what I actually want to do in real life, not the things I think about in my head. Cos being a neuro psychologist or a school counselor sounds damn cool in my brain. In reality, those two are pretty hard to achieve - not impossible - but it just takes a lot of time. 

For now, what is it really that I want to do? I've been in retail for more than a year now but is it really the path I want to take? A store manager, HR manager etc sounds like a great future advancement, but for now, is being a retail team member even worth it? Now pros: it's good money cos shift hours, I will be busy during the week, good experience I guess (?). and there's cons: working on weekends, basically no life, standing for hoursssss

But to be honest, being in a retail platform right now is not so bad. I'm just complaining cos you know, that's what humans do. I have no problem with being busy most days during the week cos (a) I have no other commitments and (b) if I'm not at work, I'll probably be at home, reading. I don't really have a social life to lose haha. 

Right now - post grad life - is probably one of the things that I have to go through among other ones. I just have to cruise through this, apply for as many jobs as I could and run with it. I have a lot of time right now, alhamdulillah for that. I know some people would want to take my place in a heartbeat because time is also a privilege. So I'll enjoy this moment all I can. Without worry, Insya Allah and hope for the best. Pray for me :')